Request Lambo

PV 11 April 2025, 6–9 PM
We would like to invite you to Step 1. Request Lambo, a duo show with works by Theo Ellison and Theo Papandreopoulos. This show marks the first entry in a four-part inquiry into our times. The series follows a persistent momentum—a pursuit where a drive for results collides with uncertainty.
A generative machine’s utopian vision of space may overlook the circulation of human bodies within. Over the course of Steps 1 through 4, the same spatial parameters are reshuffled, offering a glitched, virtual interpretation of a simple architectural premise. A dice roll determines the arrangement of the space, creating absurd outcomes. The installation’s core elements, a pair of stairs—suspended between ornament and function, ascension and concealment—challenge the limits of the gallery space and its vantage points.
In this opening entry, the works examine the tension between a romanticised ideal of unyielding strength and a vulnerable reality. Archetypes and excessive contemporary symbolism melt into confusion, echoing the fragmentation of online factions and IRL identities.